YellowTradingCoin, identified as YTC, is the exclusive utility token for GDC - Global Digital Coop as part of the Cooperative's ecosystem.
March 1, 2020 is the official date of the global launch and, the first day, the YTC system will be used.
The YTC system is the set of rules that regulate the economics of the YTC token. The system is, made up of 3 unique tools:
YTC Wallet
YTC Marketplace
YTC Exchange
YTC Wallet, GDC Marketplace and GDC Exchange are proprietary developments unique to GDC members, and are completely free for YTC users.
YTC Wallet is the application where YTCs are stored, sent and received from other YTC Wallets.
GDC Marketplace is the portal where YTCs can be used to purchase products and services from GDC-registered members, including individuals and businesses.
GDC Exchange is the official YTCs purchasing and sale site that is, used to stimulate local exchanges.
YTC is a mixed-nature Token stored on the Ethereum blockchain as the ERC-20 Token and mirrored on yTC Wallets under special security and usability conditions.
YTC holders can freely decide whether their Tokens remain on the blockchain in their ER 20 cryptographic version or whether they want them to continue mirroring on the YTC Wallet in their digital version.
All YTCs stored on the YTC Wallet are protected and 100% insured by GDC.
By using YTC Wallet YTCs can be sent and received easily and securely between users of the cooperative ecosystem.
YTCs stored in the YTC Wallets can be transferred using either the primary transfer mode or the purchase transfer mode from the GDC Marketplace.
YTCs can:
Transfer freely between YTC Wallets.
Buy or sell on the GDC Exchange.
Be used in the GDC Marketplace.
Store securely in the YTC Wallet.
The YTC Wallet has a dual security system that is, activated at the moment of a transfer, and a double verification is, performed by the sender, and is immediate.
The trading system itself uses the following parameters that updates the official price of the Token:
The number of transactions between YTC Wallets.
The number of actual users with YTC Wallets.
The number of customers in the YTC Marketplace.
Decreasing YTC in the market by burning, the total amount of YTC.
One of the main rules that stimulate the recovery of YTC and quantifies it is the burn system. The burnt tokens are completely eliminated from the system.
The community that makes up GDC and their actions increase the value of YTC when transferring and using YTC.
The total amount of YTC circulating will continuously decrease as there will never be a new YTC issue and the burning of YTC Tokens in each transaction is a fundamental factor of increasing the value by lessening the supply.
The official price increases whenever the usability of YTC increases. The greater the usability, the greater the burn and the greater the value of YTC is when the total in circulation is lowered. This is a basic principle of the YTC value.
YTC's value does not decrease as we are guided by an internal value regulated by our system and conditions. The value can stagnate if the community and the system do not grow
The burning of Tokens is constant and occurs on the following occasions:
On each transfer between YTC Wallets.
With each purchase and each sale in the Marketplace.
With each internal transaction in GDC.
During the period we called the Pre-Ico, YTCs were issued exclusively within our community, through General Managers and Brokers. The values offered in that period and their bonuses were unique and unrepeatable conditions.
In your YTC Wallet you have the contact details of your Broker and General Manager.
If you do not have a Broker, you must select one from the list available in your YTC Wallet. Until you do so, the system will not allow you to make transfers.
All GDC members who own YTCs have the right to be assisted by a Broker who in turn is, part of a General Manager group. Brokers options with your language preference are listed.
There is only one YTC value, which is presented in the YTC Wallet and the GDC Exchange. This value is used in the GDC Marketplace for transactions between sellers and buyers.
In the GDC Marketplace sellers can accept 100% of the value of their merchandise and / or services in YTCs.
The YTC value is weekly, and you can access it in the YTC Wallet and GDC Exchange, you may also receive the values by email if you so wish.
Demand and usability are real and verifiable factors which strengthen the YTC value that will be, reflected in the weekly value calculation.
YTC General Managers and Brokers regularly present online webinars where they teach YTC holders how to perform activities themselves where they can receive YTC as a bonus.